Huwebes, Marso 17, 2011

Why should students take college course seriously??

             Students must Take thier college course seriously because that is their passport to success!!!  They need to finish the 3rd level of education in order for them to be successful someday!! Some says college life life is so boring, they're wrong!! College life is so memorable and unforgetable just like our 2nd level of education!! college life teaches you to be more responssible in order for us to commit success!!
Tips And Advices
  * You have to be serious in tour studies!!
* You have to be a good listener for your teachers
* and lastly!! No Girlfriends allowed!!Peace joke only!!!
Well thats all!! So long!!! But not goodbye!!

Miyerkules, Marso 16, 2011

WHy SHouLd STUdenT Take A ColleGe CoUrSe!!??

              Well as a student I must take a College course in order for me to know and enhance my skills and talents!!! College life is letting you to remember your past lessons in secondary level. College maybe more complicated than the secondary level but it lets you explore things than the High school did!!
              You can be a professional someday when you finish the 3rd level of education!!you can work abroad by the use of your skills !! and also you can be promoted if you're pursuing to commit what you want!!
               College life is the most importance and most exciting level among the three levels!! Why??    Because after you finish this 3rd level you can do what ever you want in your life!! You can have a free life!!!!! and most of all you can have a Girlfriend that you want!!! But the most important is you can help your family to raise up in poverty!!!! That's just my future sight!!! and all ways remember!!! Don't Forget about God!! Because he says that" For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "  ..Well That's all!!! Thanks and So long!!!!

Martes, Marso 15, 2011

AlL ABoUt mY SelF


                  HI My Name Is MELCHIZEDEK JOB ONAS, Also know as MIKZ, a 1st year student in Hercor College with a course of BS Computer Science, I'm 17 years of age and I live in Sublangon, Pontevedra, Capiz..
                 I graduated my Elementary in DONA VICTORIA CORTES DAIS MEMORIAL SCHOOL "DVCDMS". And I graduated my Secondary Level in Pontevedra National High School.!!!
                  The Oldest child of Mr. & Mrs. Joydee Baticula Onas..
                  While I'm Studying in Hercor College, I am under Guardian of my Aunt here in Calipayan St. Punta tabuc, Roxas City..
       My hobbies??
                  Well my Hobbies are just simple!! but relaxing... I'm just listening to music while playing my guitar!!
      Do I have A Girl Freind??
                    Well As you can see!! I do!!!
                  Who's my Friends??
                                      hmmmm.... The Historymak3rs!! My friends are plenty to mention!!! We called our selves as historymak3rs!!!!!
                                     Yes!! Historymak3r is just a clan in the world of crossfire!!And it is also a group in our class!!!!
                    Well thats all for now!!! Thats the end of my story!!

Lunes, Marso 14, 2011

WhY Do i CHoOse ComSC! CoUrse

               As time passes by, new technology arrives!! well, one of the technology that was invented by Mr. Charles Babagge in 1898 and that was the Computer.. The first computer invented was The Abacus!! And year passes by, New Computers are invented!! Just like the PC or the Personal Computers, the Loptop, the Notebook, and other more Technology..Maybe the inventors created this machine to make our work easier and more faster we can do rather than manually, or in Filipino ("MANO-MANO"). 
              I Have choose this course because, this is what I have discovered to my talent which is capable in work and my hobby!!! Some says that Computer Science is just a Simple course, or what they could the Childish Course.. But for me Computer Science is Very interesting, you can gain money through internet. meet more people, search and play games online!!!
               But now for me ComSci course if very Important course in this Whole entire world because all people are getting rich because of the Computers through blogging!! even though for me, money is just one of the instruments that can be use to live!!!
               The purpose why did I Took this course is to gain more knowledge about why do computers exist in this world!! and why did the inventors created this technology!!!